Friday, July 6, 2012

The First Post: The Writer

I have never blogged before.  I have never considered any of my experiences worthy of a blog to make them public.  Quite frankly, I am considered by all who know me to be a very outspoken, blunt woman, who freely states what is on her mind.  I am not particularly considerate if people are offended by me, and I consistently and brazenly stand for what I believe is correct, and right.
My life has been freely lived, with no regrets and nothing to hold me back.  My experiences overwhelm me when I look back at them, and somehow at age 27, I feel ready to die.  This is not to say that I WANT to die... on the contrary, I love life.  This is only to say, that at a "young age", I have experienced all that I had on my "bucket list", if you will.  I have been told, "Your life is like a movie!" and "You need to write a book" when people hear of the life I've lived.  So why, with this notoriously exciting life, am I only starting a blog now?
On May 26th, 2012, I married my husband.  A little over one month into marriage, I now realize how little I know, and how many more experiences are to come.  So much about my relationship has changed everything in my life, and so much about me.  The only things that have not changed are my sexuality, my passion, and my honesty.
For this reason, I stick out like a sore thumb in my community- that being, the traditional christian community. I am talking about the place where sex is a taboo subject, where people act much differently than they think, and the only thing that matters in life is getting married.  I, on the other hand, will happily talk about sex with an open mind and welcome all thoughts and questions.  You will NEVER not know how I feel about you, because I will tell you to your face.  Not to mention, I certainly believe there are countless things that mean more than just being married.  This obviously is not the case for the rest of this community, where it is encouraged for a girl especially to be married at any age, just as long as it's before they fall into sin with each other.  Please forgive my personal frustrations with organized religion and the posers that surround me- and bear with me in future posts where this may be expressed further.
This blog is intended to reach women of all kinds, with a healthy dose of bluntness.  I wish you to know, there is a woman here who wants to talk honestly about everything from being a woman, to a wife and eventually, a mother.  It's rare that I see wives really talk about anything beside the niceties, and life is full of shit- so why are we not consoling each other through it?  Instead it is pushed under the rug, and a smile is slapped on our face.  No more.  I am putting it out into the open.  If you find offense with this, I hope to high heaven you don't read further posts.
In Conclusion:  I have named this blog SurlyStepford because as a wife, I hold closely to the 50's standards of women.  I believe my personal job is to tend to my man, and my household.  I am an accomplished woman, with a full array of life experiences under my belt, a healthy social life, and a company that I founded two years ago and currently run.  However, now that I am a wife, my first priority is my husband's happiness and the second is a clean house.  As for sexuality, my body belongs to my husband and sex is never taboo.  I will always grow in my sexual knowledge and the word "no" is not to be said to him.
On the flip side, I have not lost my Surly manner of thinking and speaking... therefore- SurlyStepford is meant to be a candid, open and honest expression of the joy and pain in marriage and womanhood.  Do not expect Christian judgement, sugar-coating, or editing of any kind.  I am here to speak my personal truth and experience, and hope very much someone will find comfort through it.  That is all I ever wanted.

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